Saturday, May 5, 2012

An OpEd Piece about No Child Left Behind...

and other things on the mind of former arts administrator Kevin Six...

When I think about my involvement in arts education over the years, I remember the productions I’ve done with students in two categories: before No Child Left Behind and after No Child Left Behind. 

Before this legislation, the non-profit I worked with, then called City Moves!, was welcome with open arms when we would bring theatre projects into public schools.  After this legislation, our invitation for a “free, standards-based program” was often declined because, as one teacher said, “No Child Left Behind means no child left untested.”  

In light of InnerMission Productions upcoming play, No Child…, an inside look at the effect of introducing theatre to a group of unruly Bronx high school students written by teaching artist Nilaja Sun, it might be worth another glance at the state of arts education here in San Diego and how important the message of the play is right now.

The truth is that art for art’s sake does not exist in California schools.  The arts now conform to some fairly rigid state-wide standards.  Since 2001, when the education bill was passed in this country, everyone who wanted a piece of the educational system’s pie talked about “standards-based arts education.”  As a result, every other arts program that did not include these standards was dropped. 

Standard Number Eight, the one that dictates arts education now, states that the arts must connect to the other curricula.  Every time this connection component came up in committee meetings as a potential reason to refuse our program, I would always ask one question:  Are the other standards required to connect to the arts?

No, as it turned out.  Curriculum areas like math, science, history and English were never required to reciprocate the relationship.  But this wasn’t surprising because as artists, arts educators, and arts administrators, it had always been our job to do that.  So, we did.

Or, we tried.  Projects were still refused.  And other projects were accepted but rescheduled at the last minute.  Rehearsals were often canceled.  And teachers would freak out because a test was coming and they were afraid that the kids wouldn’t do well, and if that happened, funding would go away and…

So, some of my colleagues and I tried to prove that arts in schools helped improve test scores.  But, that was a difficult proposition.  Most of the programs were free and most free programs happened in schools with a lot of poverty and schools with a lot of poverty were already among the lowest performing schools in the area, test-wise.

But there was one thing we could prove: attendance.  Kids in after-school arts programs came to school on the days that they had their program and did so more often than on any other day.  I remember a principal coming to a dance class to look for a specific trouble-making student.  The principal could not believe that the kid, who was in detention every day, always behaved on Tuesdays.  Coincidentally, that was the day he had dance class.  And another thing about this kid:  He was a born leader, something the principal didn’t recognize at the time.

I’d like to think we changed the culture of the few schools where we did run programs.  But, we had help.  Schools are run by three equally powerful people: the school secretary, the principal’s secretary and the janitor.  If a school was fortunate enough to have a principal who understood the value of the arts, those three people were supportive and there was a chance of success. 

But if they weren’t on board…

How many children were left behind during No Child?  How many kids weren’t seen in a new, positive light by teachers who had pegged them as troublemakers? How many kids didn’t find a reason to go to school and stay involved (at least on Tuesdays) because of their arts program?  Too many to think about, is my guess. 

And I thought I was done thinking about it.  My career as an arts administrator folded with the economy.  The program went on, in good hands, without me.  People I trained are still doing the work and I try to forget about the lost children.

Then, my wife got cast in the play No Child…, which opens Saturday, May 12, at 8 pm at Mesa College’s Apolliad Theatre.  Turns out playwright and teaching artist Nilaja Sun spent six weeks teaching/directing a play during No Child Left Behind.  Sun takes this experience and tells a very compelling story about what it’s like being an outsider in a system that is troubled, working with kids who are troubled on a project that never had a chance.  She gets it all pretty much right.  It is a bold and insightful piece of theatre that doesn’t preach, doesn’t name names.  It just shows one powerful experience.

And it leaves no one behind.


No Child… by Nilaja Sun.  Presented by InnerMission Productions, in collaboration with the Mesa College Drama Department.  May 12-20, 2012, at Mesa College’s Apolliad Theatre.  Tickets to may be purchased online at,
at the box office an hour before curtain or by calling 619-324-8970.


Kevin Six is an actor and playwright.  For a time, During No Child Left Behind, he was the executive director of City Moves!, the chair of the San Diego Regional Arts and Culture Coalition and on several arts and arts education boards, committees and round tables.  He really thinks you owe it to yourself to see No Child…

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